速報APP / 生產應用 / Anabi DWGFileViewer

Anabi DWGFileViewer



檔案大小:46 MB


版本需求:OS X 10.8 或以上版本,64 位元處理器


Anabi DWGFileViewer(圖1)-速報App

Anabi DWGFileViewer can view and convert DWG, DXF, DWF and DGN files.

Main :

--- add, delete and clear.

--- layouts and views.

--- zoom in, zoom out and zoom extents.

--- move, rotate and orbit

--- user fonts, default fonts and missing fonts.

--- pdf settings and dwf settings.

--- background color.

--- 3D views.

--- part of display to pdf.

--- support dwg,dxf,dwf and dgn.

--- export pdf,svg,dwf, bmp and dwg.

Anabi DWGFileViewer(圖2)-速報App

In-App Purchases :

--- DWG & DXF Component

--- DWF Component

--- DGN Component

--- DWGFileViewer Components

Note :

About services :

--- You can get 7 days services when you first install the app. If this software is useful to you and you want to continue using it, please pay In-App Purchases. (Software needs to be connected during the trial.)

About fonts :

Content appears as a question mark because of the lack of necessary fonts. You can do the following things:

--- Download dependent fonts from the internet (click the Missing Window to see missing fonts in App).

--- Click the Add Fonts button to load missing fonts into the App.

--- Restart the app and re-display the file.

Anabi DWGFileViewer(圖3)-速報App

Contact us : support@anabisoft.com

Anabi DWGFileViewer(圖4)-速報App